Kinetico Water Filtration
Showing all 5 results
Kinetico AquaKinetic A200 Drinking Water System
The AquaKinetic A200 Drinking Water System by Kinetico provides an excellent, economical way to improve the taste and purity of your drinking water. Its three-stage system, including a high-capacity prefilter, high-performance reverse osmosis membrane and carbon postfilter, eliminate a variety of common contaminants from your drinking water. What you’re left with is clean, clear, refreshing water for all your drinking and cooking needs. The compact system can be installed under your sink, in a basement, utility room or garage—wherever is most convenient for you.
Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station
We designed this state-of-the-art reverse osmosis system to solve even the toughest water quality challenges. The K5 is smartly designed to be convenient and economical, provide an abundant supply of high-quality water, be easy to use and maintain, and provide the best-tasting water. When you own a K5, you know you are doing all you can to provide your family with the highest water quality at the best price.
Kinetico K5 FlexFilter
Only one drinking water system is so advanced that it can remove nearly everything from your home’s drinking water that isn’t water: The Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station.
Kinetico Kube Advanced Water Filtration System
If you’re tired of waiting for the pitcher to fill, and you’ve ruled out a reverse osmosis system as an option, take a look at Kube. It installs conveniently and easily under just about any sink, so your filtered water will be dispensed from your existing faucet. Kube will improve the quality, taste and smell of your drinking water and give you the peace of mind that you’ve done more to improve the quality of your water.
Kube is a great way to experience better drinking water and a wonderful introduction to Kinetico’s extensive line of water treatment products. And you’ll be impressed by the plentiful supply of filtered water that Kube provides for all your drinking and cooking needs.
Kinetico MACguard Filter
The MACguard® Filter is an excellent choice when you want to eliminate unpleasant tastes and odours while improving the quality of your water. Your water conditions will determine which of the two models is right for you.